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Love Your Practice

Feb 1, 2022

Welcome ladies of dentistry. I am happy to see that you are all taking the time for yourself to listen to my podcast. I am so amazed every time I hear the graduation rates and that more and more female dentists are entering the workforce. We are taking over dentistry!

In the last episode, I updated you all about some issues I had post-surgery. I am happy to report that I am doing much better at this time. Thank you for all of your notes of encouragement. 

In this episode, we’re going to talk about the current state of staffing affairs in dental offices. I am hearing from my mastermind class that many of your offices are understaffed and this is causing a lot of emotional stress. We will be talking about some ways to work through this.

Highlights from this episode include:

  • Kara Kelley will be back as a guest to discuss the HR perspective of the staffing shortage
  • Information on how to sign up for a repeat performance of my free webinar about moving from fear to confidence in your practice
  • More information about the March mastermind class that is getting ready to start
  • The emotions we are experiencing by being understaffed
  • The feelings that those emotions are causing us to have
  • We work through “the model“ on how to handle these feelings 
  • We discuss how to recognize the actions that are resulting from these thoughts and feelings
  • We go over how to change the thought process to manifest a more positive outcome
  • And, finally, we share some real-life samples of actions that you can try in your own office

Resources and links mentioned: 

Sign up for the FREE Webinar on February 16, 8:00 am CT:

Get more information on the March 2022 Mastermind class:

Laura’s Facebook pages:

Thank you so much for tuning in to this podcast! I would love it if you would share it with others and leave a review for others to see!

~ Laura